Client Testimonials
We hope to have you join these happy clients!
Botox Treatments
“I have had Botox with other providers and Dr. Crowder’s treatments are the best. She really talks to me and works to get a natural result. I couldn’t be happier!”
– M.M. Columbia
“Great Botox outcomes from a physician with reasonable prices. I’ll be back.”
- J. S. Columbia, MO
“She discussed it with me and we decided I wasn’t ready for Toxin treatment yet. I really appreciate her honesty.”
– G. S. , Columbia MO
Chemical Peel
“I had never had a chemical peel before, but I was thrilled with my results. William discussed all my options and was very thorough.”
- E.H. , Columbia MO
Laser Hair Removal
“My experience at the Laser Clinic has been top notch. I sought out laser hair removal because I am susceptible to razor burn and ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal has been the perfect solution—it has no side effects and the look is clean and smooth.
I was also pleasantly surprised about the amount of ‘pain’ I felt at the Laser Clinic. I could talk throughout the whole procedure and never felt the pain was significant. It’s definitely worth the benefits of no shaving and no razor burn.”
- Kristen Brown
“I wish I had done this for myself tons sooner because it has completely changed my life. I am saving so much time and energy in the shower and am amazed at how much of my mind had been taken up with my hair removal routine. It is super freeing not to have it in my thoughts very much.”
- Karina Koji
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)
“The capillaries on my face are nearly gone after 3 IPL treatments! Now I don't have to wear makeup every day and I’m so much more confident about my skin.”
– S.C. Columbia MO
“IPL cleared up dark spots and sun damage on my chest and neck. I’m really happy with my results.”
- A. E. Columbia MO
PCA Products
“I love PCA products and I love being able to purchase where I can get expert guidance. And you can’t beat the discounted price!”
– C. S. Columbia, MO
Tattoo Removal
“I am 4 treatments in and my tattoo is nearly gone, I can’t wait to see the final result.”